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S1 Places (2024/2025) after the Release of SSPA Results

Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School

S1 Places (2024/2025) after the Release of SSPA Results


  1. Application Criteria:
    Only students who have applied for discretionary places in our school will be considered
  2. How to apply:
    1. Application forms can be obtained from the General Office or downloaded from our school website. [download here]
    2. The completed application forms should be submitted to the General Office on 9 July 2024 (9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.) together with the following documents:
      1.  Photocopy of P.6 school reports (1st & 2nd terms)
      2.  Photocopy of Secondary School Places Allocation Admission Slip
      3.  Photocopy of other certificates can be submitted but no more than 5 sheets of A4 size paper
  3. Short-listed candidates have to attend an interview on 10-11 July 2024. Our staff will contact you by phone to make the arrangements. Please do not call the school.




中一候補學位申請 (2024/2025)


  1. 報名資格:
  2. 申請辦法:
    1. 親臨本校校務處領取申請表或於本校網頁下載  [按此下載]
    2. 請把填妥申請表格於二零二四年七月九日(上午九時至下午四時)連同下列文件交回本校校務處:
      1. 小六上、下學期成績表副本
      2. 中一入學註冊證副本
      3. 可連同不超過五頁A4紙之其他證書影印本
  3. 面試將於二零二四年七月十日及十一日進行,本校職員將以電話聯絡入圍者,申請人無需致電本校。