Big Six

Developed by Michael Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz, the Big 6 can be used whenever students are in a situation, academic or personal, which requires information to solve a problem, make a decision or complete a task (e.g project).
There are 6 stages, but you will not necessarily have to use each one every time in strict order and often you will have to go back to the previous stage.

Task definition (What do I need to do?)

Identify information needed to complete the task.

Information-seeking strategies (Where will I find the information?)

Determine the range of possible sources e.g. books, internet, magazines, newspaper, audio-video resources and others.

Location and Access (How will I find the information?)

Locate sources and find information within sources.

Use of information (How will I use the information?)

Extract relevant information from a source e.g. take notes, highlight, skim read, cut and paste.

Synthesis (How do I needed to present the information? Have I cited all my sources?)

Organize information from different sources and present the information e.g. picture, graph, essay, report and so on.  Remember to cite your sources e.g. author, title, place of publication, publisher, date, page number, volume numbers, issue numbers, URL and so on.

Evaluation (Have I answered the question?)

Review your work.

For more information on the Big Six official website, go to
