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Outstanding Students in HKDSE 2015

日期: 15/07/2015

4th HKDSE Results Report

Hoi Ping students have been known for their diligence and academic achievements. This year, they once again achieved impressive results in the 4th HKDSE.

Fung Tin Long 6B

Fung Tin Long was an active member of the debate team with numerous awards under his belt. However, rather than being dragged down by his active participation in debate competitions, he felt that the time had been well-spent and had even helped with his performance in DSE. “Before each competition, you need to do a lot of research to prepare yourself for all kinds of situations. This expands my horizon and gives me the ability to think in multiple perspectives, which is particularly helpful when tackling Liberal Studies exam questions.”
Fung was particularly passionate about science subjects, and with a strong drive to do well, he successfully attained 5** in English, Liberal Studies, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. He has applied for medicine programmes as he hopes to enrich his science knowledge in higher education.

馮天朗    6B
Wong Ka Yu 6B
To Wong Ka Yu, peer support was what helped him learn better and faster. An assiduous science student, he did exceedingly well and scored 5** in Mathematics, Economics, Physics and Chemistry. What was his success story? “My friends and I often had discussions on different subjects. This helped me consolidate my knowledge and refresh my memory. I found it really helpful to form study groups because we could exchange what we had learnt and inspire one another.” This tells us that there is always something we can learn from the people around us.
Another study tip from Wong is to make the most out of the revision period and work hard. He had spent the time on drilling exercises from teachers in order to familiarise with exam questions; besides, the revision period was a crucial time to refresh memory right before the exam.
Wong has set his mind on science subjects for his further studies in order to pursue his interests in science.

黃家裕    6B

So Yin Cheung 6B
His formula of success is very simple: concentrate in lessons.
So Yin Cheung was a devoted member of the Athletics Team, but to prepare for DSE he had spent less time on training in S6. However, unlike many of his peers, So did not spend a lot of time on tutorial classes in his final year—that did not stop him from getting 5** in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. “I don’t rely a lot on tutorial classes because to me, the most important thing to do is concentrate in lessons. It helps me understand concepts much faster, and everything else will come more easily. You can say that understanding is the first step to success.”
He plans to study Actuarial Science because of his interest in science and mathematics.

蘇彥彰    6B

Wan Kwing Wai 6D
Wan Kwing Wai is another science student who has achieved pleasing results in this year’s DSE: 5** in Mathematics, Economics and Chemistry. He shared his study tips with Hoi Ping students. “S4 was a vital period for me because I made a lot of effort to establish a good foundation of my subject knowledge. What I did at the time was the greatest contributor to my satisfactory DSE results.”
Wan added that wise and prudent time management is very important. Once good habits have been developed, such as practising past papers every day, other things will be within our reach!
A science enthusiast, Wan is interested in biology and the human anatomy, and has applied for medicine programmes in local universities.

溫烱威    6D
