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  • Munsang College Model United Nations 2024

Munsang College Model United Nations 2024

日期: 14/07/2024

14 of our students from S1 - S6 participated in the Munsang College Model United Nations 2024. Engaging in intense debates and negotiations various committees including the General Assembly (GA), Human Rights Council (HRC), World Health Organisation (WHO), Junior Security Council (JSC), Arab League (AL), and the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC), participants delved into global issues, fostering a sense of responsibility as global citizens.


The unyielding dedication and hard work of our students in debating enabled them to transcend their limits and explore new horizons. Notably, 4D Deng Rain stood out for his exceptional progress, earning him the Most Improved Delegate Award for DISEC.
