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Hong Kong Secondary School Geology Research Competition - Gold Award and Bronze Award

日期: 01/12/2024

Over the course of five enriching days from July to November, two teams of Hoi Ping students embarked on a transformative learning journey by participating in the Hong Kong Secondary School Geology Research Competition. This immersive programme included a Geology Workshop hosted at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where students engaged in enlightening discussions about the intricate relationship between Geology and Climate Change. Furthermore, students had the opportunity to explore the Stephen Hui Geological Museum at the University of Hong Kong, delving into the mechanisms of large volcanic eruptions. Field studies conducted on the Geological and Geomorphological features of Ma Shi Chau provided a hands-on learning opportunity, allowing students to witness geological phenomena firsthand.


Students were encouraged to reflect on the importance of sustainable resource management on Earth. Our educational approach emphasises a series of learning experiences that progress from initial inputs to the internalisation of knowledge, shaping our students as conscientious global citizens.
