2020 JUPAS Offer Results
日期: 13/08/2020
2020 JUPAS Offers
Record High Since 2012
Having acquired impressive results in the 2020 HKDSE Examination, we are proud to announce that our school has reached a record high in the percentage of JUPAS offers since the introduction of the new senior secondary curriculum.
This year, 93.3% of our students obtained offers from local universities, with 87.9% of them being degree offers. Furthermore, 49.6% of the degree offers are from the top three universities, the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Our top students will actualize their dreams of studying medicine, pharmacy, biomedical science, medical engineering, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, radiography, law, translation, architecture, surveying and nursing at university.
Beyond doubt, our students will continue to strive for excellence and contribute to the community of Hong Kong in the very near future.