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<p>2020 HKDSE Results</p>

日期: 22/07/2020

2020 HKDSE Results


Hoi Ping scholars make history in HKDSE 2020

Today was a special occasion for Hoi Ping as our students’ hard work and effort finally paid off.  Their diligence and resilience during the periods of school suspension due to the outbreak of COVID-19 have enabled them to bring home the most impressive results since the start of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE).


The percentage of students attaining Level 5+ and Level 4+ have leapt to a record high of 31% and 71.8% respectively; 3.3% of students have attained Level 5**, which is our second-best performance since 2012. Of the 150 students sitting the HKDSE this year, 88% of them have attained the university entrance minimum requirement (33222), which is also our second-best performance. The percentage of our students scoring 22 points or above in their Best 5 subjects was 41.3%, with a rise of 8.4%.  Among them, 26 students scored 27 points or above, with 6 of them scoring 30 points or above.


Hoi Ping students fared much better when compared to the overall statistics of Hong Kong candidates, with 81.9% of our students attaining Level 4+ in Mathematics (39.1% in Hong Kong), 77.2% in English (28.3% in Hong Kong), 63.8% in Chinese (31.7% in Hong Kong) and 59.6% in Liberal Studies (30.5% in Hong Kong). In particular, a record high of 40% of our students captured 5* or 5** in Mathematics Module 2 (M2), which is 24.9% better than the overall statistics in Hong Kong; as for English Language, the percentage of students capturing 5** has leapt to 4%, which was also record-breaking. The elective subject with the best performance was Economics, with a record high of 10% and 21.7% of students attaining Levels 5** and 5*­+ respectively, compared to 1.9% and 7.0% in Hong Kong.





S6E Law Hiu Yan, Karen

Clear goals with versatility

Karen has attained four 5**, two 5* and one 5 in HKDSE 2020. Long before the release of HKDSE, Karen had already decided to step out of her comfort zone and broaden her horizons. She is going to pursue her studies in Business Analytics in the National University of Singapore (NUS).

Karen has nurtured a habit of being well-prepared for any challenge she faces since she was in S.4. Starting from the summer in S.5, she would deepen her learning according to the goals she set every day. In addition, she would set a strict time-table and do revision following a realistic study plan.

To relieve her stress from academic studies, Karen often listens to music and chats with friends so as to stay healthy – both mentally and physically – when facing the challenges in public examinations.

To cope with the ever-changing society and learning environment, Karen recommends her juniors to stay positive and improve their foundation by reading extensively and reflectively, as well as learning diligently and humbly.



S6B Tong Kun Chi, Alpha

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

Tong Kun Chi (Alpha) scored three 5** in Chemistry, Economics, and Mathematics (Compulsory); together with the competitive results in other subjects, he has been given an offer to read law at the London School of Economics.


Alpha’s approach to the DSE was simple: instead of studying textbooks from the first page until the last, he quickly delved into past papers to revive long-forgotten memories, which helped him pin down what he was lacking and formulate an efficient revision plan targeting his needs. ‘As a science student, it was important for me to write accurate answers by using keywords required in the marking criteria.’


More importantly,’ he added, ‘Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. They let you know what kind of effort you need to make in order to be fully prepared.’ This mindset came from Alpha’s habit of doing self-reflection, prompting him to focus on the right things within limited time.


For most students, exams are very stressful; this year, DSE sitters were even faced with a pandemic of an unprecedented scale. What did Alpha do to get through it all? ‘I adjusted my body clock day by day to ensure adequate sleep. I never overworked myself and studied obsessively. These created the perfect conditions for me to remain calm, even on the day of the exam.’


Alpha expressed that he looked forward to furthering his studies in a completely new environment--this determined young mind had already planned to challenge himself with more academic goals. We wish him all the best.




S6A Tsang Chin Yung Virginia

Diligence rewarded, dreams realised

Virginia Tsang has attained two 5** and three 5* in HKDSE 2020. She is an enthusiast in science and mathematics, having participated in a number of science-related competitions like Joint-school Science Exhibition and Chemistry Olympiad. She is keen on scientific research and would like to further her studies in Computer Science at university and pursue her goals.

When asked which subject she was most satisfied with, she said it was Mathematics; she likes Mathematics the most and spent a lot of time revising. Her efforts did pay off when she captured a 5** in Mathematics.

The lack of face-to-face lessons during the pandemic did not hinder Virginia. Instead, she kept reminding herself to establish daily routines and to ensure sufficient rest while working hard; this could keep her in a good shape when facing the public examinations. She would also like to encourage other Hoi Ping students to pay attention in lessons, enhance their self-directed learning skills, conduct pre-lesson preparation more often and do sufficient revision.





2020 中學文憑試學生成績綜合匯報


繼往開來  成績報捷




本年度共有150名學生參與中學文憑試,考獲5等或以上及4等或以上水平的比例分別躍升至31%和71.8%,為歷年新高!其次,有3.3%的學生考獲5 **;達到大學入學最低要求(33222)的比例達88%。以上兩項亦為2012年以來的第二佳績!在最佳5科中考獲22分或以上的比例為41.3%,增幅達8.4%。當中26人考獲27分或以上,其中6人更考獲30分或以上。


開平學生一向發展全面,中英、文理兼擅。其中核心科目考獲4等或以上的數據如下:數學81.9%(全港39.1%)、英文77.2%(全港28.3%)、中文63.8%(全港31.7%)、通識教育59.6%(全港30.5%)。此外,在數學科延伸單元二(M2)中獲得5 *或5 **的比例達40%,創下歷史新高,相較全港的百分比高24.9%;英文科中,獲5 **的比例亦躍升至4%,同樣刷新了紀錄。表現最好的選修科目是經濟科,考獲5 **和5 *或以上的比例分別達10%和21.7%,遠勝全港的水平(1.9%和7%)。 










中六戊 羅曉欣








中六乙 湯貫之

湯貫之同學各科成績優異,化學、經濟和數學(必修)三科更獲得5 **佳績。憑著學業上突出的表現,他最終獲倫敦經濟學院法律系取錄。










中六甲 曾芊榕




