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Surplus Food Redistribution Activity

日期: 09/05/2019

Members of the Social Service Group participated in the Surplus Food Redistribution Activity jointly organised by Oxfam and People Service Centre Limited on 9th May 2019. After collecting unsold food of the day from Shek Kip Mei Wet Market, our students followed volunteers’ instructions to sort and allocate the food in trays. They also helped distribute food to the elderly and ensured the process was run in an orderly manner.

The activity offered our students a chance to learn about the seriousness of food waste problem in Hong Kong. What’s more, it let them understand that they can help the  elderly and low income people by volunteering in similar food redistribution activities, taking a more proactive role in conscious consumption and donating surplus food to food banks. All in all, it was an inspiring experience for all participants.
