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Peer Tutor Training Camp

日期: 05/07/2014

The Peer Tutor Scheme is a time-honoured programme in our school. Peer tutors are well-trained to help Secondary One students adapt to the new school environment.

As new peer tutors of this year have just been recruited, a training camp was held on 4th July to 5th July, 2014 in Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre. Social Workers of Martha Boss Lutheran Community Center were invited to take charge of this training camp, which helped peer tutors to understand their roles and responsibilities, and overcome their weaknesses. Also, through different kinds of activities such as orienteering and mass tasks, their team spirit and communication skills were enhanced. Lastly, there was a sharing among social worker, teachers and peer tutors. By learning from each other, peer tutors became more ready to be mentors of the new members in Hoi Ping.
