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Model United Nations Demonstration

日期: 25/06/2015

To promote Model United Nations (MUN), a simulated conference of the United Nations in which student participants are assigned to represent different countries and discuss global issues, six S6 students demonstrated a mini-MUN conference on 25th June for S1 and S2 students, on the heated topic of dog-meat consumption culture in the world.

Representing various countries, the six veteran MUN participants voiced their opinions on the issue. Some believed that dogs were humans‘ companions and it would be immoral to eat them, while others believed dogs were no different from cows or other poultry, and the local cultures of dog-eating in certain countries should be respected and preserved. S1 and 2 students were also invited to speak on behalf of their chosen countries in the floor sessions. After voting, the conference concluded that dog-eating should not be banned and the drafted resolution submitted by the student delegate of the United States, one which called for an end to massive dog-slaughtering festivals, was not passed.

Both the junior and senior students had a delightful discussion and had learnt a lot from the demonstration.
