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Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths Programme -- 5E Ma Ka Yan

日期: 10/12/2019

I was nominated to join the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths Programme organised by the Japanese Government and become one of the student delegates to represent Hong Kong to visit Japan from 10th to 18th December 2019.

The theme of the trip was “Made in Japan – Artisan Spirit”. During the trip, we visited varies places which symbolise the Japanese culture and spirit, including the Tokyo National Museum, where we saw many historical relics, and the Imperial Palace Second Bridge, which was the main bridge to the imperial palace of the Japanese Emperor. We also visited a recycling center, where we learnt how the Japanese recycle reusable materials. Through this experience, I had learnt that the artisan spirit doesn’t only exist in artists, but in every Japanese’s heart. Moreover, I made good use of this opportunity to practise my Japanese and English skills when communicating with Japanese students. It was definitely an unforgettable experience.
