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The Civic Virtue Week

日期: 25/11/2019

To enhance our students’ civic virtue, the Moral and Civic Education Team held a number of learning activities during the Civic Virtue Week in late November 2019. Students learned about the social issue of bike sharing in Hong Kong and discussed the civic virtue relevant to the issue during class teacher periods. There were also sharing sessions on civic virtue in the cyberspace during morning assemblies.  Through interviewing Mr Mak and Mr Chiu, our two ICT teachers, students understood the importance of being a good digital citizen so that they would use the internet and technology appropriately and responsibly. In addition, students displayed their civic virtue by cleaning their classrooms and the school campus during the Civic Virtue Week. Furthermore, S1-S5 students had the chance to join the Civic Virtue Comic Strip Competition which provided a platform for them to showcase their creativity and deliver positive messages on civic virtue.
